ForeComp - Size-Power Tradeoff Visualization for Equal Predictive Ability
of Two Forecasts
Offers a set of tools for visualizing and analyzing size
and power properties of the test for equal predictive accuracy,
the Diebold-Mariano test that is based on heteroskedasticity
and autocorrelation-robust (HAR) inference. A typical HAR
inference is involved with non-parametric estimation of the
long-run variance, and one of its tuning parameters, the
truncation parameter, trades off a size and power. Lazarus,
Lewis, and Stock (2021)<doi:10.3982/ECTA15404> theoretically
characterize the size-power frontier for the Gaussian
multivariate location model. 'ForeComp' computes and visualizes
the finite-sample size-power frontier of the Diebold-Mariano
test based on fixed-b asymptotics together with the Bartlett
kernel. To compute the finite-sample size and power, it works
with the best approximating ARMA process to the given dataset.
It informs the user how their choice of the truncation
parameter performs and how robust the testing outcomes are.